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- Foundation Presents Check to FCPHD
In 2012 the Health Foundation presented the hospital with a check for $9,165 from the funds raised at the previous year’s gala. The money was used to purchase needed ER equipment.
- FCPHD Employee Appreciation Drawing
For three consecutive years, an anonymous donor gave $1,000 to the Foundation to distribute to hospital employees. The amount was divided into equal amounts to be awarded by random drawing on a regular basis.
Since its inception, the winners are as follows:
2011: Julie Harmon ($500)
2011: Amanda Michel $500)
6/7/12: Mena Cassell ($250)
12/12/12: Debbie Mycock ($250)
12/12/12: Shilah Moores ($250)
2/28/13: Jim Corbett ($250)
5/22/13: Lauren Patrick ($250)
5/22/13: Lisa Matiaco ($250)
10/30/13: Steve Carnline ($250)
- Donations
Donations are gratefully accepted at any time and are tax deductible. The hospital is in the midst of a major heating system renovation which is very expensive, but in the long run will serve the hospital and community well. Other projects which are currently underway, or being considered, include remodeling the emergency department (nearly complete), remodeling the front entrance, purchase of a Glide Swing, and installation of a Walking Garden for our Assisted Living Facility. Donations to these and other upgrades will help keep our hospital contemporary and better able to serve the community in the years to come. Ferry County Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. Checks should be made out to the FCHF and mailed to PO Box 567, Republic, WA 99166. - McConnell Scholarship Fund information
The Graham S. McConnell Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to:- Assist current employees in the Ferry County Hospital District, including the medical clinics and the assisted living and long term care nursing unit, with scholarships to meet their continuing education requirements or to pursue a new accreditation for the benefit of the local Hospital District
- Make available to the community educational programs of a medical nature, which may include health and wellness programs
- Provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors or residents of Ferry County in their pursuit of a career in the medical professional or in a certified medical program.